
Do you wish to use images or text from the Swedish Police website? Information on the rules that apply is found here.

Image and text

Images from the Swedish Police website may not be used without permission from the website editor. As a rule, it is acceptable to use parts of the information material found on the website. Before any text material is used, we nonetheless want you to contact the website editor and explain where the text is intended to be published and for what purpose.


If you wish to use the police logo in business, you must apply to the Swedish Patent and Registration Office.

The small coat of arms is considered part of the police logo. In the Act on Protection for Coats of Arms and Certain Other Official Signs (1970:498), it states for example that, in business, the state coat of arms, state flag or other state emblem, or other emblem of government control or guarantee, may not be used without permission.

Do not use the police logo to link to the police website. This is to avoid any doubt regarding who is responsible for the information on the website where the link is placed. Provide the link to the Swedish Police website in a neutral manner.

Linking policy

PDF files

It is permitted to download PDF files from the police website and place them on your own website, but consider that the material may become obsolete after a time. To ensure that you have correct information on your website, it is better if you link directly to police pages that are continuously updated.