Victims of Crime

Making a Report
Report the crime to the police as soon as you can. A prompt report provides the police a greater opportunity to find technical evidence and examine witnesses.
If you have been the victim of a crime, you have the option of receiving support and assistance in various forms, depending on what type of crime you have been subjected to.
Crime Victim in a Close Relationship
Crime in close relationships is when you are badly treated by a closely related party. Assault, threat, rape and molestation are the most common crimes in close relationships.
Children who are Crime Victims
Here you can find out what to do if you suspect crime against children or adolescents.
Hate crime is a collective name for various crimes committed as a result of the offender's negative attitude towards, for example, sexual orientation, skin colour or religion.
An honour crime is directed at someone, often a relative, who according to the perceptions of the offender and other relatives or the group, has disgraced the honour of the offender, family or group.
If you have been subjected to rape or other sexual assault, you should contact the police as soon as possible. Trace, which can be important evidence in a trial, may remain for some time after the incident has occurred.
The judicial system strives to improve the safety and security of the individual. The aim is to reduce criminality and improve safety and security.
If you are the victim of a crime, you can receive compensation for the injuries you have suffered, for example, destroyed clothing, a knocked out tooth, medical costs, pain and suffering or aggrievement.
Protect yourself against fraud
In recent times, many elderly people have been the target of fraudulent practices. This can happen over the phone or via a home visit.
Criminal networks are recruiting children
Criminal networks are exploiting children in Sweden. Here we explain what warning signs to look out for as a parent and how the Police work to stop the exploitation.
If you are a family member of someone who is part of the criminal environment, there may be reasons for you to improve your safety and be vigilant.
War Crime - Swedish Police efforts
In Sweden, the War Crimes Unit is responsible for all investigations into genocides, crimes against humanity and war crimes.