Questions and answers about the raised terror threat level

The terror threat level has been raised to level 4. People should carry on as before and do the things they usually do in their everyday lives. However, it is a good idea to be more vigilant

Police in uniform stands outside talking to a citizen.

Sweden has had a heightened threat level (3) for almost 13 years. We have spent many years enhancing our capacity. We consider that good work is already taking place to combat extremism and terrorism.

General information about the raised terror threat level

What does the raised threat level mean?

Read about the level at The Swedish Security Service.

What is the situation now?

Read about the situation at The Swedish Security Service.

Are there any specific targets or groups in society that have been identified?

Read about the terror threat at The Swedish Security Service.

The effect of a raised terror threat level for citizens/the public

What should I think about in my everyday life?

People should carry on as before and do the things they usually do in their everyday lives.

However, it is a good idea to be more vigilant. People know their immediate environments well and if anything appears out of the ordinary then it is a good idea to be observant.

The Police will put the right resources in the right place. Not everything we do is visible to the public – and nor should it be.     

You say that people should be extra vigilant. What do you mean by that?

People should carry on as before and do the things they usually do in their everyday lives. If people see things in their immediate environments that appear out of the ordinary, they can tip off the Police or call 114 14.

Who should I contact if I want to report something out of the ordinary?

Tip off the Police (online) or call 114 14.

Will there be more heavily armed police officers on the streets?

We will put the right resources in the right place. Continuous local and regional assessments are done made as to where to place police resources. Not everything we do is visible to the public – nor should it be.

The effect of a raised terror threat level

Will the Police have completely different tasks now?

No. The Police’s mission as a whole remains the same as before and we are working closely with the Swedish Security Service on a daily basis. We are well prepared to deal with any attack, while also being fully aware of the fact that we will never be able to guarantee that an attack will not occur.

Sweden has had a heightened threat level (3) for almost 13 years. We have spent many years enhancing our capacity. We consider that good work is already taking place to combat extremism and terrorism. This work is ongoing.

Other information