Country Signing Certificate Authority (CSCA) Sweden
On this page you will find information about CSCA certificates, which enables verification of Swedish electronic travel documents issued by Swedish Police Authority.
CSCA Sweden
The current distinguish name for Swedish CSCA certificates from 2018:
C = SE, O = Polismyndigheten, CN = Swedish Country Signing CA
The distinguish names for Swedish CSCA certificates between 2005 and 2017 are:
C = SE, O = Rikspolisstyrelsen, CN = Swedish Country Signing CA
All Swedish CSCA Certificates
Detailed information for Swedish CSCA Certificates
Swedish CSCA information (pdf, 83 kB)
Certificate Distribution Point (CRL)
CRL for issuer "C=SE,O=Polismyndigheten,CN=Swedish Country Signing CA v2"
The issuing authority is:
Swedish Police Authority
Box 12256
SE-106 75 Stockholm
Email address for verification of certificates: