Security Zones – General Information

In 2024, the Swedish Parliament decided that the police can set up security zones (also known as ‘stop-and-search zones’) in Swedish communities.

If you live, work, or study inside a security zone, you might see the police in the area carrying out searches to help stop crime. You are very welcome to come and talk to us about this should you have any questions.

The police set up security zones to try to break the cycle of violence. Having the police around more often can help prevent crime and improve safety and security in the area.

Security zones are meant to make it harder for criminals to prepare for and carry out serious violent crimes. For example, we may use them to stop two groups of criminals from taking revenge on each other.

The law says that there must be a clear risk of crime in the area before the police are allowed to set up a security zone, and that this security zone must be extremely important in preventing this crime.

What happens inside a security zone?

The police can search people and vehicles with less reason to suspect they are involved in crime than they can outside of a security zone. They must write a report about every search they carry out.

How do the police decide who will be searched?

Just like any other time, the police will decide to search a person/vehicle based on all the information they have at the time.

What happens during searches?

Searches are similar to airport security checks. 

About decisions to set up security zones

When the police decide to set up a security zone, it will exist for a maximum of two weeks. After two weeks, the police may decide to continue the zone for a longer time, if needed. Anyone who will be affected can appeal against the police’s decision to set up a security zone.

Tillfälliga säkerhetszoner hjälper polisen förhindra brott
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