Laws and Regulations

Fines can be issued by the police, Swedish Customs, the Swedish Coast Guard or the Swedish Prosecution Authority, among others. The size of the fine is dependent on, for example, the seriousness of the crime.
If you believe a parking fine has been imposed incorrectly, you can challenge it. Your challenge must have been received by the Police no later than six months after you paid the fine or after the Swedish Enforcement Authority took action to collect the fine.
Traffic Violations
Here you can read about how the police work against traffic violations like speeding, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Volume Crime
Volume crime occurs frequently and affects many people, for example theft of and from cars, bicycle theft and shoplifting, housebreaking, vandalism, and drunk driving. Here you can read about how the police work against volume crime.
Border control
The police performs mandatory controls of all persons crossing over an external border, meaning to and from countries who are not part of the Schengen area. Temporary border controls can also be performed at select internal border crossings.
Terms of stay in Sweden
Persons who are not citizens of Sweden or an EU/EEA country are required to obtain a permit to stay in Sweden.
To be allowed possession of a weapon, you must apply for a weapon licence and have your application granted.
If you plan to bring your weapon into Sweden temporarily, or are travelling through, certain rules apply . Keep in mind that the weapon you plan to bring into Sweden must be approved for hunting in Sweden.