FAQ – Temporary import of weapon
Frequently asked questions about temporary import of weapon.
Can I send my application by regular mail?
An application together with other mandatory attachments is to be sent electronically by e-mail to: weapon-arlanda.stockholm@polisen.se. Always enter your first and last name in the subject line.
Does the European Firearms Pass have to be submitted in original?
No, do not send in original documents! The EU Firearms Pass is a personal travel document / value document that you, along with your entry permit, will carry with you during your trip and stay in Sweden.
Can I bring another person's weapon to Sweden?
No, it is required that you have your own weapons license for the weapon you intend to bring into Sweden.
Can I bring borrowed weapons to Sweden?
No, it is required that you have your own weapons license for the weapon you intend to bring to Sweden from another country, in other words not a loan license from a gun dealer or similar. You must always be able to display your personal weapons license and EU firearms pass together with the actual weapon for Customs or Police upon entry and exit, and during your stay in Sweden.
From 1 July 2022, new rules apply for silencers in Sweden
The new rules mean that silencers will no longer be equated with firearms, but instead be regulated in basically the same way as ammunition. Anyone who has the right to possess a certain weapon for shooting may possess silencers that fit the weapon.
This means that you do not need to apply for a temporary import of a silencer in Sweden if you in your home country hold a permit / license for a weapon that the silencer is suitable for. However, you can not apply for temporary import into Sweden for a silencer only, the accompanying weapon is required.
Who can answer questions regarding my payment of the application fee?
For questions regarding your payment, contact the Police finance department by email: pac-ekonomi.rps@polisen.se (Please state your File or OCR number when contacting).
I want to bring a weapon for purposes other than hunting or competition shooting
Weapons unit-Arlanda only handles temporary import of weapons for hunting or competition shooting in Sweden. If you intend to bring a weapon for any purpose other than hunting or competition shooting, please contact the police locally in the area where you intend to stay with your weapon.
What applies if I want to bring a weapon permanent to Sweden?
Weapons unit-Arlanda only handles temporary import of weapons for hunting or competition shooting in Sweden. If you intend to bring a weapon permanently to Sweden, please contact the police locally in the area where you intend to settle.
Is it possible to temporarily bring weapons only for exercise shooting?
NO, temporary import of weapons to Sweden applies only to the purpose of hunting or competition shooting. All other forms of import are handled by the police locally in the area where you intend to stay with your weapon.
Can you hunt what, where and when you like in Sweden?
No, hunting may only be carried out on the animals, areas and periods permitted by Swedish legislation. For more information about the rules governing the hunt in Sweden, see these links:
Do you consider previous applications when assessing a new permit?
No, each application for a new temporary weapon import permit is unique and we do not look through previous applications or decisions.
May I leave my weapons in Sweden if I have a temporary import permit?
No, in the case of temporary import of weapons, the weapons must accompanied by the holder when travel in or out of Sweden, otherwise a Swedish weapons license will be required. Temporary import of weapons is just a "temporary import" for the purpose of hunting or competition shooting and is not intended to be a more permanent solution.
All handling of temporary import of weapons for hunting and competition shooting in Sweden is handled by:
Weapons Unit - Arlanda