Children who are Crime Victims
Here you can find out what to do if you suspect crime against children or adolescents.
If you suspect that a child or adolescent is being subjected to violence or assault, you should report this to the police or the social services in the municipality where the child or adolescent lives. In the case of an emergency, call 112.
If you have a profession where you have contact with children, you are in certain cases obliged to report to the Social Welfare Committee if you suspect that a child is being mistreated. In this case, you are obliged to report this to social services. The report is made for the good of the child and to investigate whether the suspicion is founded. If there is suspicion of a crime, social services in turn reports this to the police.
Police investigation
The task of the police is to investigate crimes. There are specially trained children's investigators within the police who are used to meeting with and talking to children and adolescents who have been subjected to all types of crime.
Criminal injury compensation
Children who witness crime in close relationships are entitled to criminal injury compensation. It is therefore important that the police document the child's presence and what they have experienced. Applications for criminal injury compensation are made to the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority.
Assistance and support
Assistance and support to children and adolescents can be found, for example, at BRIS, the Support Centre for Young Crime Victims, the Young Victim Support Association (Ungaboj) and the Social Welfare Services in the municipality where the child lives. There is also help and support available for loved ones of children or adolescents who have been subjected to crime.
BRIS, the Support Centre for Young Crime Victims
Collaboration regarding children
When a child is subjected to crime, the police collaborate with other authorities. This collaboration takes place through, for example, the Children's House (Barnahus) where the environment and working method are particularly suited to the child's needs.