Extract for checking own data in the criminal record
This record extract is for checking data related to yourself in the criminal record. The extract is not intended to be used as a certificate to show that you have no criminal record.
Record extract e-service
To use the e-service, you need an e-mail address that you are willing to provide.
Do not use the e-service if:
- You have a protected identity.
- You are requesting an extract for checking your own data sent to your special post address or Poste Restante.
Instead, use the form (see link below).
If you are unable to use the e-service, please use one of the forms.
1. Complete the form
Extract from the criminal records registry, individual. In English - Form to be completed digitally and printed (pdf, 2 MB)
Extract from the criminal records registry, individual. In English - Form to be printed and completed by hand (pdf, 167 kB)
Note the following:
- Send a copy of your passport or ID card.
- You may only request a record extract concerning yourself. A power of attorney for another person is not valid.
Complete the application form clearly and sign it
Please note that forms completed digitally must nevertheless be printed out and signed with pen. We do not accept digital signatures.
Keep in mind that a complete application, properly signed by hand, with pen, will help you receive an extract more quickly.
2. Send in the form
Scan or take a photo of the signed form and send it by e-mail or post to the police. Forms sent by e-mail will receive an auto-reply confirming receipt by the police of your e-mail.
E-mail: registerutdrag@polisen.se
Polismyndigheten/The Swedish Police Authority
Box 757
SE-981 27 Kiruna
3. Receive a record extract
You will receive a criminal records register extract from us by post. This extract may only be sent to your address registered in the central population registry, a special address you have registered with the Swedish Tax Agency, or to a Poste Restante address. Poste Restante means that an envelope must be collected at a post office.
Poste Restante, Postnord (In swedish)
Special address registered with the Swedish Tax Agency (in Swedish)
The processing time is up to two weeks from the time we have received the application until the time we send the extract. The processing time may vary depending on how many people request extracts at a given time.
If you are a citizen of another country in the European Union or the United Kingdom, the police retrieve information from that country. This means the processing time may be slightly longer.
We cannot prioritize a certain application.
EU citizens
When citizens of another EU country or the United Kingdom apply for an extract from the register, the request is automatically forwarded to the country in question in accordance with Article 22c. "If an individual requesting information about himself or herself in the criminal records register under Section 9 of the Criminal Records Act (1998:620) is a citizen of another Member State of the European Union, the Police Authority shall also obtain information about him or her from the criminal records of that State." Regulation (1999:1134) in Swedish on the Riksdagen website.
That country has 4 to 21 working days (not counting the respective country's public holidays) to respond to the request, which can result in a process that takes several weeks. We have no influence on the country's processing time, but you can facilitate the process yourself and thus obtain the extract more quickly by providing all information requested on the form.
The following applies for the extract
The purpose of the record extract is to provide information about any data about you that may be in the criminal record. The extract is not intended to be used as a certificate to prove your innocence, but you have the right to decide how you want to use your extract.
This is shown in the extract
The extract for checking own data in the criminal record shows all the data registered on the date the extract was printed.
The data recorded in the criminal record are:
- Conviction of an offence by a judgment, decision, summary imposition of a fine or imposition of breach-of-regulations fine.
- Imprisonment in lieu of an unpaid fine.
- Not subject to sanction under Chapter 30 Section 6 of the Swedish Criminal Code.
- Prosecutor's decision under Chapter 20 Section 7 of the Code of Judicial Procedure, Sections 9 or 17 of the Act (1964:167) on special provisions concerning young offenders, or Section 46 of the Act (1988:870) on the care of addicts in certain cases not charged with an offence.
- Restraining order.
- Prohibition pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Law (2015:642) on European Protection Orders.
- Prohibition of access pursuant to the Law (2005:321) on prohibition of access to sporting events.
- Prohibition of access pursuant to the Law (2021:34) on prohibition of access to shops.
- Prohibitions from being in or entering particular places or areas under the Act 2024:7
- Convictions abroad, for Swedish citizens or residents, and:
- Convictions in a country belonging to Europol, Interpol or where there is an agreement with Sweden,
- Convictions in another EU country are recorded if data are transferred to Sweden on the basis of Article 4(2) of Council Framework Decision 2009/315/JHA of 26 February 2009 on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from the criminal record between Member States.