Extract from the criminal record of other EU countries
You can apply to the police for an extract from the criminal record of other EU countries or the UK. The law in that country determines whether you can access the information. The extract does not contain information from the Swedish criminal record.
How to request an extract:
1. Complete the form
EU record extract for individuals, request extract, (to be completed digitally and printed) (pdf, 1 MB)
EU record extract for individuals. request extract, (to be printed and completed by hand) (pdf, 153 kB)
Complete the application form clearly and sign it
Please note that forms completed digitally must nevertheless be printed out and signed with pen. We do not accept digital signatures.
Keep in mind that a complete application, properly signed by hand, with pen, will help you receive an extract more quickly.
Note the following:
- Send a copy of your passport or ID card.
- You may only request a record extract concerning yourself. A power of attorney for another person is not valid.
2. Send in the form
Scan or take a photo of the signed form and send it by e-mail or post to the police. Forms sent by e-mail will receive an auto-reply confirming receipt by the police of your e-mail.
E-mail: ecris@polisen.se
981 81 Kiruna
3. Receive a record extract
You will receive a criminal records register extract from us by post. This extract may only be sent to your address registered in the central population registry, a special address you have registered with the Swedish Tax Agency, or to a Poste Restante address. Poste Restante means that an envelope must be collected at a post office.
Standard processing time can be up to six weeks from the receipt of the completed application to the sending of the extract. Processing times may vary with demand.
We cannot prioritise or accelerate any particular request.
The following applies for the extract
The EU extract for individuals allows requests for extracts concerning oneself from the criminal record of other EU countries or the UK where one is or has been a resident or citizen. The law in that country determines which judgments are shown in the extract. Please note that an extract from the Swedish criminal record is not included. If you are a citizen of the EU country in question, information from the Swedish criminal record can be included in the EU country's response depending on national rules.
If a country refuses to issue an extract
You yourself can apply for an extract directly from the country. Contact the public authorities in the country in question for more information.