
No-fly zone over parts of Malmö

Map of the no-fly zone.

Map of the no-fly zone.

Following an application from the Swedish Police Authority, the Swedish Transport Agency has decided to establish a temporary ban on aircraft flying over large parts of Malmö during the Eurovision Song Contest.

This no-fly zone will apply from 07.00 on 4 May until 19.00 on 12 May and covers the use of drones and helicopters.

The Police will fly drones within the area during the Eurovision week and the purpose of the no-fly zone is to maximise the Police’s capability to monitor the event without disruption from other aircraft.

The decision allows for certain exceptions, such as police aircraft, air ambulance, Swedish military aircraft, aircraft belonging to Swedish Customs and the Swedish Coast Guard, and sea rescue helicopters with a mission in the area.

Anyone who uses drones is obliged to observe the laws and regulations that apply to all aviation. Any breach of the non-fly zone (restricted area) may result in a fine.

The coordinates of the no-fly zone

553758N 0125728E

553736N 0130436E

553319N 0130315E

553311N 0125702E

553614N 0125703E

553758N 0125728E

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