Contact us and FAQ – criminal record extracts

Do you have questions about criminal record extracts? Find answers to common questions here. If your question isn't answered, you can contact us via our web form. You can also call or e-mail us.

Find answers to frequently asked questions 

Criminal records extracts

How do I apply for an extract?

You can apply via the e-service. You need an e-ID to apply. If you have a protected identity we do not recommend using the e-service.

Record extract e-service

If you cannot use the e-service, there are forms to apply for extracts. The forms are available at and at the police stations.

Police record extracts

Extract for employment in a school or a preschool

Extract for employment working with functionally impaired children

Extract for employment in HVB homes

Extract for employment with children in non-school activities

Extract for checking your own data in the criminal record

Extracts for use abroad

Extract from the criminal record of other EU countries

Record extract for employment in insurance distribution

How long does it take for the extract to arrive?

Our processing time is up to two weeks. If you are a citizen of another EU country, that country's processing time is added.

  • If you have chosen to have the extract sent to your electronic mailbox, the extract will be sent when the processing with us is complete.
  • An extract sent by post is sent by economy mail, which takes 3–5 working days.

Can the extract be sent digitally?

Extracts for:

  • Employment in a school or a preschool
  • Employment working with functionally impaired children
  • Employment with children in non-school activities
  • Employment in HVB homes
  • For employment in insurance distribution

Can be sent to your digital mailbox. It is only the extracts that do not contain any information, i.e. "empty" extracts, that are sent out as digital. Extracts containing information about crime are sent by regular mail.

It is possible to opt out of digital delivery in your application.

Extracts for:

  • Checking your own data in the criminal record
  • For use abroad
  • From the criminal record of other EU countries

 Can currently only be delivered by post.

Can I get more than one extract?

Yes, it is possible to apply for several extracts. You have to send one application per extract you wish.

Please note that extracts for work in school and preschool, for employment working with functionally impaired children, Work with children in activities other than school and preschool, employment in HVB home and insurance distribution are valid between 3 months and one year and can be shown to several employers during the validity period.

The extract must only be shown to the employer and you must keep the original yourself.

I accidentally opened my envelope, can you send me a new extract?

No, we cannot send out a new extract. You may submit a new request.

If you have requested an extract for work in school and preschool, for employment working with functionally impaired children, Work with children in activities other than school and preschool, employment in HVB home and insurance distribution, the extract is watermarked and has numbered pages. Therefore, it has an authenticity marker and the employer do not have the right to demand that the extract be submitted in an unopened envelope. The extract should only be shown to the employer and you should keep the original yourself.

If you requested an extract to check your own information, employers often want the extract unopened. It's not something we recommend. The purpose of an extract for checking your own data is that you have the right to know what data is registered about you in the criminal records and not to be used as a proof that you haven’t been convicted of a crime.

Can the extract be sent to an address other than my registered address?

We do not send extracts directly to employers.

 The following extracts can be sent to another address:

  • Employment in a school or a preschool
  • Employment working with functionally impaired children
  • Employment with children in non-school activities
  • Employment in HVB homes
  • For employment in insurance distribution

An extract for checking your own data and an extract from another EU-country may only be sent to

  • your civil registry address,
  • special postal address/international address registered with the Swedish Tax Agency
  • a poste Restante address.

Poste Restante, Postnord

How long does data remain in the criminal records registry?

It is the penalty that governs how long data remains in the criminal records registry.

Time limits for criminal records

I am a foreign citizen; do you request information from my home country?

Yes, if you are a citizen of another EU country, we are obliged to collect information from there when you request an extract. The EU-country has 20 working days to send a response.

I cannot find an extract for the purpose I need.

The extracts that exist are for the types of work that require a criminal records register check according to law. If there is no extract for the purpose you need it for, it is because there is no legislation to regulate this.

Other employers do not have legal support to demand that an extract be shown, but there is also no prohibition.

Can I apply for an extract from the criminal records for someone else?

No, you can only apply for an extract for yourself.

Can I apply for an extract from the criminal records if I’m under the age of 18?

Yes, you can apply for an extract from the criminal records if you are under the age of 18.

Extracts from the criminal records for use abroad

How do I apply for an extract for use abroad?

You can apply via the e-service at You need an e-ID to apply. If you have a protected identity we do not recommend using the e-service.

Record extract e-service

If you cannot use the e-service, there are forms to apply for extracts. The forms are available at and at the police stations.

Extract for use abroad

How much does it cost?

An extract for abroad use costs 255 SEK plus postage.

I ordered an extract for abroad but didn’t know about the fee? What now?

If you have chosen to pay via a payment invoice, you can refrain from paying it, the invoice is canceled after three months if it is not paid. The extract is sent after payment is received.

If you have protected personal data you can contact us to cancel your application, provided that we have not yet issued the extract and the invoice with a payment obligation. If the extract has been issued the invoice must be paid.

If you have paid by card when applying, it is not possible to cancel the processing or get money back.

How long does it take for the extract to arrive?

We will register your application within a week of receiving it.

  • If you have chosen to pay directly with the application, the extract will be sent when the application has been processed by us.
  • If you have chosen to pay via invoice, we will send it to you when the application has been registered. The extract is normally sent within a few days of us receiving your payment. Be aware that a payment from abroad takes a few extra days.
  • If you are a citizen of another EU country, that country's processing time is added.

The extract will be sent using the delivery method you specified in the application. The delivery time may vary depending on where the extract is to be sent.

Delivery times, Postnord

In which language is the extract issued in?

The extract is issued in:

  • Swedish
  • English
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French

Any convictions will not be translated.

What is a translation aid/multilingual standard form?

The translation aid/multilingual standard form is an appendix to the extract for abroad use. The translation aid can only be used in another EU country. If you apply for a translation aid, you need to indicate which EU country it will be used in.

To be able to receive a translation aid/ multilingual standard form, you need to be a Swedish citizen and not have any convictions in your criminal records register. The purpose of the translation aid is to complement an apostille stamp.

An additional cost of SEK 255 is added when ordering the translation aid.

Can you change the address for dispatch?

To change the address, you need to submit a written authorization where you state:

  • Your Swedish ID-number, coordination number and date of birth
  • Case number
  • The new address.

The authorization must be personally signed.

If you have not yet paid your extract it is easier to submit a new application with the correct address and wait for a new invoice.

Can you issue an apostille stamp?

No, it is the Notary Public who issues an apostille. Contact the County Administrative Board to find a Notary Public near you.

What is the difference between first class mail and registered mail?

First class mail is delivered directly to the address you have requested to have the extract sent to.

Registered mail is sent to a post office where you must collect it up yourself upon presentation of identification.

Extract from the criminal record of other EU countries

How do I apply for an extract from another EU country?

You can apply by sending in the form EU records extract for individuals together with a copy of your passport.

How long does it take for the extract to arrive?

EU-countries has 20 working days to respond.

The extract is sent by economy mail, which takes 3–5 working days.

Can you send my extract digitally?

Extracts from another EU country can currently only be delivered in paper form.

Can I get more than one extract?

Yes, it is possible to apply for several extracts. You must send one application per extract you wish.

Does the extract also include data from the Swedish criminal records register?

No, an EU register extract only contains information from the EU country you have requested information from.

Can the extract be sent to an address other than my registered address?

No, an extract from another EU-country may only be sent to

  • your civil registry address
  • special postal address/international address registered with the Swedish Tax Agency
  • a poste Restante address. 

Poste Restante, Postnord

How much does an extract from another EU country cost?

The extract does not cost anything.

In which language is the extract issued?

The extract is issued in Swedish and English.

Contact us via our web form

In order for us to answer your question as quickly and accurate as possible, please provide your Swedish ID-number, coordination number, date of birth or reference number. 

Encryption, official documents and secrecy

The form is encrypted. That means that no one else can see what you send to the Police via the form; only the Police can see it. The level of encryption depends on how modern your web browser is.

Once the Police receive your document, it becomes an official document. That means that the email may be disclosed on request, as long as it does not contain information that is classified as secret.

Please, fill out the form

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Contact us via email or phone

Note that extracts cannot be requested by telephone!

Telephone hours: Monday to Friday 10.00–11.30 and 13.00–14.30
Telephone: 114 14 (from abroad +46 77 114 14 00)
Fax: +46 (0)10-56 35 333

Queries regarding extracts for use abroad:

Telephone hours: Monday to Friday 10.00–11.30 and 13.00–14.30
Telephone: 114 14 (from abroad +46 77 114 14 00)
Fax: +46 (0)10-56 35 33